2010年5月25日 星期二

五蘊 [英文, 梵文, 中文解釋] 針對行蘊的翻譯

Buddhism as philosophy: an introduction?」 by Mark Siderits
梵語pañca-skandha,巴利語pañca khandhā
()色蘊(梵rūpa –skandha,英rūpa),()即一切色法之類聚。(M)Anything corporeal or physical; ()總該五根五境等有形之物質。(MW)any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour ( often pl. ) , form , shape , figure
()受蘊(梵vedanā –skandha,英feeling),()苦、樂、捨、眼觸等所生之諸受。(M)Sensations of pleasure, pain and indifference; ()對境而承受事物之心之作用也。(MW)feeling , sensation Y_j_. _i_. ( with Buddhists one of the 5 Skandhas MWB. 109 ) ; ( [ I ] ) , f. the true skin or cutis L.
()想蘊(梵saṃjñā -skandha,英preception),()眼觸等所生之諸想。(M)Those mental events whereby one grasps the sensible characteristics of a perceptible object; e.g., the seeing of a patch of blue color, the hearing of the sound of thunder; ()對境而想像事物之心之作用也。(MW) to direct , order , command Hariv. ; to acknowledge , recognize
()行蘊(梵saṃskāra -skandha,英volition, mental formation, residue),()除色、受、想、識外之一切有為法,亦即意志與心之作用。(M)The mental forces responsible for bodily and mental activity, for example, hunger, attentiveness; ()其他對境關於瞋貪等善惡一切之心之作用也。(MW) the ceremony performed on a dead body ( i. e. cremation ) R. ; any purificatory ceremony W. ; the faculty of memory , mental impression or recollection , impression on the mind of acts done in a former state of existence ( one of the 24 qualities of the Vai_eshikas , including [ bhAvanA ] , the faculty of reproductive imagination ' ) Ka_. Sarvad. ( IW. 69 ) ; ( pl. , with Buddhists ) a mental conformation or creation of the mind ( such as that of the external world , regarded by it as real , though actually non-existent , and forming the second link in the twelvefold chain of causation or the fourth of the 5 Skandhas ) Dharmas. 22 ; 42 ; a polishing stone MW
()識蘊(梵vijñāna -skandha,英consciousness),()即眼識等諸識之各類聚。 (M)The awareness of physical and mental states; ()對境而了別識知事物之心之本體也。(MW) ( with Buddhists ) consciousness or thought-faculty ( one of the 5 constituent elements or Skandhas , also considered as one of the 6 elements or Dh_tus , and as one of the 12 links of the chain of causation ) Dharmas. 22 ; 42 ; 58 ( cf. MWB. 102 ; 109 )

